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does Cassandra only appear on certain days or months as every time I go to gardens at noon she isn't there

She’s not there during December but check if you’ve completed the Christmas update too

Thanks, I'm currently in April but I will look into if I missed anything in Christmas event

How do l unlock the chistmas event , l am in September

Can you make it easier for android? Ive read the instructions, downloaded winrar and joiplay but i cant get it to work and havent been able to since it went over 2 gb. Im happy to pay 10 bucks for the game, can you break it down into 2 smaller apk files like everyone else does?

There is a guide linked further down in the comments. U can use that to download the game properly.

if i buy the game do i get updates before free downloaders?


Yes, that is basically the point of paying

how do I progress on version 0.9.3 after climbing the mountain. It keeps telling me to progress the story with Cassandra and is the only active task but I can't get anything to trigger.

Make sure it isn’t December and if that doesn’t work check if the Christmas event is completed 

im pretty sure its june in  game right now and did the christmas event awhile ago. I keep going to the garden at noon but shes never there i found a green firefly in the garden but that has been it.

maybe I was mistaken it say jan.1 so i mightve still been in december. will update if i trigger the event or not.

I'm pretty sure its bugged because I still cannot progress or trigger anything for cassandra.


did the game got rapes or no consented scenes and if yes how to avoid?


don't think so

The worst it has is the MC groping one of the girls' boobs (clothed) while she's sleeping but she tells him later that she doesn't mind. AFAIK, there is no way to avoid that scene.

Was anything changed in this game's story at the beginning?


The game was reworked at 0.4.5 and the story didn't change entirely but yeah some details were taken out to give it more pace to the story itself, now it's a bit fast at the beginning


Im sorry to say this here but the girl I knew passed away sometime between yesterday 4pm to 12pm. We thought of it like marriage how we knew each other. I haven't received anything back from her since all day and we would keep up with one another daily. She died from an Aortic heart valve that my mom has made a top priority not to allow her to survive. I'm so sorry you guys have to read this. If at all possible could you just add her in as a memory out of respect? I have a lot of the script and stuff well wrote out. This has been a huge ordeal for me.

I'm sorry


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you can recover from that, about your request, we would need to talk about it more personally or in discord 

im sorry man



I have an idea for a new character but that would be a personal request. I'm willing to share later on at whatever the cost


No cost at all, you only need to join us on Discord: and there we have a suggestion channel for anything related to LP 


Joined, Suggested And Submitted my input 🙏


Hi, old member to this wonderful work you have created. Believe it or not, my wife...well let's just say your game tells a lot of truths. Hopefully after the girl I know gets the surgery I pay for her, I can only pray everyone handles it the right way. It would make both worlds a better place. Thank you 🙏 hope to re subscribe soon

Thanks a lot for your words, I really hope the surgery goes well, and about support us, it always helps but only if you can afford it <3

Is this game almost completed?


we're in the last third of the game, so yeah we should be near the end of the game

Why does the game run like its constantly lagging when i run it at least it runs like that for me, Is there anyway to fix it??

Some Pcs can have some problems but it can be fixed by pressing shift + G and changing the renderer mainly or put the settings as you see they work the best

I like your game(´∀`)♡ Have you considered publishing it in Chinese?

It's kinda difficult to put the game in other languages that we don't know, that's why we stay in English and Spanish only


Can anyone help?


For android what is the problem? To install android you need to install the apk then move/copy and paste the archive.rpa file to the game folder of lucky.paradox. Here is an install guide for android: hopefully that helps 

It worked thank you!


Now that is what i call a guide

Awesome! I’m glad it worked! Happy to help and hope you enjoy it 🙂 yeah the guide pretty useful xD 

The instructions for android do not work

if you're having problems with installation there's a discord, there you can open a case and we can help you with the specific case

I paid for this and cannot play it

I can help you, with what are you having problems? Downloading or installing maybe?

Hey, so far I have 238 days in game, already did pilgrimage, past the 500 fitness test, and I am not able to begin the Cassandra’s arc, it’s still showing to go to look after her on the dojo’s garden but she’s just nowhere to be found, I’m stuck on it, how to progress, is there any hidden requirement?

Make sure it isn’t December in game and if you finished the Christmas event 

Hey how can i keep my save on Android when I Update to new Version?

Make sure to back up your saves first 

My recent lucky paradox downloads have been lagging/skipping quite a bit in game, does anyone know a fix?

is there a text box in this game?

Lucky has been lying all this timeArgleton should not existEs war alles ein ExperimentEs tut mir leid, es tut mir leid, es tut mir leid, es tut mir leid that's what the current post translated to

(1 edit)

Game isn't working on android


A translation to PT Br please 😓

I have pretty much finished most of the main story but i have yui left. it says i must spend time with cassandra but I cannot find her anywhere


Is it December in game currently? She should be in the outside part of the Shogukuni 

no, its october/november.

i had this happen i think the halloween event bugs it slightly if you go past december she will spawn back in

Maybe have you finished the Christmas event? 

I have not finished it yet. I am trying to pass the time in the game now (until the christmas event is finished) I will let you know if it fixes it

I promised an update and now i am back, i completed the christmas event and now the issue is solved. Thanks bro

You are welcome! 🙂

Deleted post

Is it my new laptop having issues or is there just a delay between hovering over an icon and it lighting up? I have to wait a full second or more to be able to click on characters or areas to interact, but when talking I can click and it instantly moves to the next line of dialogue.

Also, the librarian's name is one L away from being a famous voice artist who voiced the character Bayonetta in the first two games. lol

I use the 32 bit version, I use a laptop with a 6th gen i3 so it could be a slow processor in 2024 (it definitely is) 

Says updated a day ago but im seeing when i go to download it was an upload from 28 days ago.


What is the difference between Compressed and Normal Linux versions?

the compressed version is way more light but also have less graphic quality

The newest update for Android isn't working.

I tried all the down loads for the Android still not working.


from which version? paid or free?


(2 edits)

Yeah, the chase event (the 1st one at least, haven't seen the rest yet) needs some work done, but I'm guessing that'll happen at some point.

Why in blue firefly there is no tab with Mary ?

If you go to Maxy’s tab in the right corner of it you will find Mary’s XD 


Lost my save file for the 2nd time...MCAT - Medical College Admission Test


if you having problems with saves, you can join us on discord to get saves updated



Have an error like this

In our discord we have a guide to install android version

its said the invite link was expired

Deleted post

Até o momento não tem nada mesmo, em uns comentarios a cima o criador disse que tem planos de adicionar alguma coisa no futuro.

Deleted post

İ want play that game on mobil but when im installed it, it was a rar file how i can play game

You need the rar app or Zarchiver app to extract it. Then I’d follow the guide on Patreon in how to install it step by step:

(1 edit)

Uh it's about maxxy .. can anyone tell me it's which note (or better which place, I'm stuck here).

go in her room and a scene will trigger about the note. If you already did that then there should be a new house icon on the map. Follow the story from there to find Maxy again 

Why is there no longer an Android apk?

There is but after you install the apk you have to move the archive.rpa file in the game folder of lucky.paradox


Ive probably commented this before, but the story in this game is far better than what you would expect from the average harem vn

(1 edit)

I'm having some issues seeing the 0.9.3 content. I didn't see a change after updating then I downloaded the update patch from Patreon that didn't work then I deleted my save and re-played the game still didn't see it. The game does show I'm on 0.9.3. Did I do something wrong or am I doing something dumb?


Are you playing on windows or android?

I’m on windows. (Sorry about that I forgot to say what I was playing on)

No worries xD check the profiles then of Maxy and Galia if it does say it’s 0.9.3. Since those are the two who the update is about

Just got around to checking. Maxy and Galia say Work in progress.

you might have missed adding one of the patch files in the patch folder. Make sure all of them get moved in the game folder and override it 


I hate myself when i reach this point

No se ustedes pero sonara raro pero como q me enamore de Layla y se q no es real pero daria cualquier cosa por conocer a alguien como ella peliroja linda inteligente q se enoje rapido y sobre todo q se vea intimidante pero a la vez tierna y por cierto creador espero veas esto pero ojala agregues una opcion para casarme con la chica q quiera en el juego aunq sabes q me casare con Layla pero tambien espero me digas cuando sale otra update gratis pq te juro q amo tu juego es de lo mejor es perfecto demasiado bueno gracias por crear esta joya

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