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nothing yet :(


its ready now :)

thank you very much :)

This is a good game. The characters are good, the story is intriguing, and I like the character designs. If I have one complaint, it's that there are lots of typos and syntax errors. There's plenty of time to fix those before a full release though. Keep it up!


Thank you :D

The upcoming update will include a lot of typo fixes :)

Awesome! I'll look forward to it!

what is latest version of this game? I'm asking because i have seen v0.5d on google also is there any walkthrough or mod available?

0.5D is the early version of the upcoming update, so it can have game breaking bugs :(

The oficial release will be this Friday :)

ohk thank you i will wait :)

Cuando le veremos la cara al protagonista

Nunca xD

Me recomiendas empezar de nuevo o continuar por donde iba cuando salga la actualización?

No es necesario empezar de nuevo

hi again sorry for bothering u but i jave a question when i will download the update the game update itself or i can import the save file from the old version to the new version?

When you use the itch launcher, it will automatically update the game and you can continue from where you are now :)

but if it doesnt work i can move the save files right ?


hello this is a super game and the most loved (visual novel) i played so far if im not a bother how is the developing going? in how much time the new update will come and how do i do with the old saves bcuz i dont wanna play again the game :)) it takes too much :p


the development is going well, the update will be released on October 2 and old saves are compatible with the new version :)

Para el 2 de octubre la actualización completa gratis o va a ser la 0.5c

Gratis 🙂

Buenas se me ocurrió algo que vi lo comparto por si algún día lo agregar que seria un guardado y carga rápida para un seguro extra de partidas  

Y también cuanto faltaria que estoy muy emocionado a 24/7 entro a ver si ya esta la actualización y no es que esté apresurado comprendo que solo eres tu el desarrollador lo pregunto para no estar estando tanto 😂 tu trabajo es el mejor y te digo que es el mejor juego que eh tenido de este tipo me encanta y será mi favorito ❤️

Hay una función de  auto guardado. Posiblemente sea necesario un re-diseño de interfaz para que sea mas visible o intuitivo.

La próxima actualización debería estar disponible para el día 2 de Octubre :)

Deleted 1 year ago

There are secret dialogues and secret events. I plan to use the attributes in the future for side stories and special events. But my idea is that the main story can be completed without depending on the attributes.

However, there are still many things missing that will be revealed in the development of the game :)

Deleted 1 year ago

story is deep as fuck. I was just tryna fap but im too engaged with the story now


Even the dev doesn't like NTR


This game is amazing! Originally, I was just looking for some good fap material, and immediately fell in love with the diverse cast of characters and the interesting world you have created. I love not only the fact that each character has their own personality, but their appearances feel natural. I love going through my day with a plan, only to be surprised by a girl's appearance. It gives the game a natural feel. 

The soundtrack is gold, giving it a great small town feel, and just having a sense of peace. 

Overall, I would suggest having more diversity in dialogue, as my choices are limiting, and I often find myself choosing the lesser of two evils rather than going with a response that seems more "me". Also, money. I never have enough, and am always scraping by on a pittance. Then again, I haven't played 0.5, so that may be the case. Anyways, great game, and can't wait to see the new content. 

(Also, I may be biased, but I love Layla's design and character. At least, what little I've seen of her.)

Thank you very much for your words <3

I'm working on a money balance :)

The next update will come soon :D

I really like this game a lot. Only problem for me is that in character the only girl I really care about is Prim. Not that I dislike the other girls but feels wrong to be sleeping around when you have her. Not sure if that is me being sentimental or if you just managed to hit that niche of girl I really like.

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

The fuck you're talking about? Are you one of those sick fucks that are into NTR? If you are, this game has no space for you (and neither does this world). Sorry.

dont be an asshole man, everyone has what they're into, no need to judge them


(2 edits)

No, just that not really attracted to the other girls outside of Prim. Between her personality and looks I find her to be the best by a wide margin.  What made you think I was talking about NTR? I did not say anything resembling that. Quite simply I have dated girls like Maxy and not really into her. Layla is to rude and aggressive for my tastes, Yui just feels odd to me, and I really don't know enough about Sasha. Like I said to begin with I just like Prim way more than all the other girls. She has the cuteness factor, just a bit shy and submissive. I also mention in character as playing the role of lucky if I was sleeping with my best friends little sister whom I like I would not want to have sex with the other girls. That is a compliment to the design of Prim in a sense that I like her that much.

I do not think the person who obviously has a rude way of pointing out their dislikes, was referring to you but to a poster above yours. Your comment has 0 insulting likes in it and just show your naturally drawn to one perfect love vs many.

the only fetish that will not be done is NTR (getting cucked)

oh god that made me have flashbacks to so many weird fetishes you might need to reconsider; examples that come to mind being: scat, snuff (this one's especially traumatizing), vore, amputation fetishes (yes the act of getting amputated), extreme fat fetishes, pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.This is a great game and honestly no shame on things as long as they're harmless, just uhh be careful with your wording lmao

Oh! also, will you ever add an option for a female MC? I'd appreciate it but it could be a lot of work to remodel and stuff so honestly you don't have to

It's a bit obvious that all this sickness you mentionef will never be added, so get off of the dev's ass and let him work his magic.

Charlotte is best girl, her french banter with the MC is so cute >////<

No hay noticias aún de la nueva versión? 

Buenas, puedes mantenerte al tanto mediante su Patreon o Discord.


please make more

what is the name of the song for the memory selection menu?

El juego aún no tiene un final verdad?

No, aun falta mucho xD

Holy fucking shit I didnt expect to get this invested in a visual novel. The writing is amazing and I NEED MOAR


It's a slippery slope Bro I'm addicted to them now never thought I would be interested I you liked this try the likes of neko paradise , Radient, polarity and avalon just for a few I apologise in advance as you are gonna loose some time ha ha 

Warning: Giant review

When I first saw the game, I didn't give much for it. I just thought it would be that kind of pointless game with sex with a poor story and no interest whatsoever. Glad I decided to check the comments and description. After 15h of gameplay and exploring each aspect of the game, I have to say that this may be one of the best graphic novels (and stories for that matter) that I've seen recently.

The way that every character takes place in the story, slowly revealing their contribution to the main lore (with the notable exception of Charlotte) is perfectly built, permitting the player to explore and analyze the plot from several perspectives.

With that being said, I still have to point some ideas that are worth noticing.

1 - Too many girls, too little boys.

Yes, I understand that, no matter how much I like the game because of its plot, it is still an adult game. However, I can't stop to think that the existence of only 5 male characters (one of them being just a store seller and one of the others being someone we haven't crossed with yet) is... extremely bad. I'm not saying that it isn't good as it is, but I think that adding some other interactable men would be a good way to make the game more diverse and less focused on the sex part of it.

2 - Needs balance

Everything is so expensive. But don't get me right, I'm not saying the prices should be lower. I think that jobs should give more money. Until we get a higher level of either charisma, knowledge, or subtility, everything is just out of the player's budget. He would need to save for weeks to buy that one thing that is required to keep going in the story. After some thought, I think the best way to fix that would be adding some sort of part-time that would give a reasonable amount of money (ranging from 15$ to 30$) while consuming a unit of time. However (and here is the catch) that source of money would only be available for the first couple of weeks, who knows the first month. That way, the player can get some money to fix stuff like the bar, buy more books, advance in the story...

3 - Books

I love the idea of the library, but it simply is... poorly implemented. I think that the books should be slightly more powerful (like being able to read 2 books of 2 different perks in a time unit) or there should be an actual reason why the player would spend his pennies on books rather than training with the characters. 

4 - Something missing
After a long thought, I can distinguish something missing in the gameplay, but I don't know what it is. My gut says that some sort of minigame during the work hours and the gambling is the key, making it possible to earn a few extra bucks. I don't know, I was always looking forward to more story and less everything else.

With that being said, I have to say that I loved the story. Everything, from Prim's development with the player to the entire relationship with Maxy/Mary (loved that reveal, can't wait to see more) and even how Sasha and Layla try to explain and give us clues about how the universe of Lucky Paradox actually works. I can't wait for the next update which, apparently is going to give a lot of new gameplay and story, as well as a brand new level of mystery which, I must say, is the only thing that makes me love this game unlike all others of its kind.

I can only say: well done.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow thank you for this great review :D

About the balance, I think you're right. I think it's very extremist, some people always need money and others have too much. I have to rethink the formulas, but it's not an easy thing to do right :(

About the library, that's content that hasn't been finished. Although I think the idea of combining attributes is great.

Thanks again for taking the time to do a review of the game :D

So how many endings are there on the final version of the game?

Every girl has a different route. Each one has 2 or 3 possible endings.

For the "grand finale" all those possibilities are mixed together.

However, there is no good or bad route.

Sería algo que nunca eh visto aún que se pueda forzar a los personajes a tener relaciones por ejemplo a la mujer del casino o la hermana de la que vende calabazas

Desde la siguiente actualización habrá la posibilidad de contenido secundario con otras chicas :)

I just got through the available content and Love what you've done with this game I have some feedback that may be of interest to you. It may be a bit long, but I see so much potential both tapped and untapped I'm excited to share my thoughts.
 The first thing is something I quite enjoyed, which were the unexpected event or arrivals that made my plans go wild, When I would be set on accomplishing a set of things that day there would be an event or something that would make me put it off a while longer, or I might forget. IT feels realistic and even investing, given that days dont always go as planned IRL and so long as I still have agency (or decisions I can make) if feels like an adventure more so. When my guard was down , I thought less in terms of scores and achievement and and the stories and characters were more engaging and were able to reach me more easily.

One thing I feel could be better is some of the interface to make it easier or more seamless to navigate, just having more of an option when you have a keyboard. It may be lazy of me but at least having a 'Map' key to zoom out to the town, or a key for the character stats and the girls. Over all I feel this would add some some smoothness.

I hesitate to suggest additions to a developer given you probably already have a long enough list and a vision of your own for this project. That being said there a couple things that would be neat to see.
One would be simply an option to go into the wilderness considering how much of it there is on the map (whatever else is included in it, were you to do this, I'm sure you'd do great.)
The second is the ability to alter the main guys responses in conversation or arguments a tad more, to decide your stance with an issue or conflict. Even just more context specific options. For instance when Maxy left it kinda shook me, and my instinct was to talk to the others about it. Though there was no dialogue acknowledging what had transpired though they live in such close proximity, At the very least the main guy would probably be a  bit down, perhaps mention it in his interactions.
Last thing I swear, I feel like your game would have a lot more replay ability if it were not possible to romance more than one or all of the girls without some minor-major consequences. Maybe more Friend options, not simply Accept OR Reject. Like some 'Yes and', 'yes but', 'no and', 'no but' responses rather than only the variations of positive or negative, yes or no.

I hope this is helpful if only mildly. Keep up the great work, I look forward to seeing how you complete and flesh out everything.

Im low key hoping for an awkward or silly scene between Velvet and Lucky. I've been imagining edgy Kamen Rider vibes from this Velvet.

Some of your ideas will be implemented at some point, but others are too complex for me to do (they require a lot of time to do), for now it's just me working on this game :(

Thank you very much for taking the time to write all this <3

is there/will there ever be hpnosis fetish in the game?

It is a possibility

ok thanks, that would be super dope

Feels like I am going in circles with the girls, not sure how to unlock all of the content.  I bought the drum set, screw driver, and the bar but it feels like a stretch between stories and I'm not sure if I am doing it right.

You have to click on that human or person symbol at the top right of the screen and then go to the "Characters" section. Click on the box called "Side Events" for each girl. You can see what you need to do next to trigger a new event. If it says "Chat: Available" Then chat with them some more to trigger new events and dialogue. If it say "Chat:WIP" that means that area is done for now. Focus on other areas. If it says "Practice: Available" practice with her in that area (color) Red practice color means train with her in Fitness. "Beach: Available" means you can go to the beach with her at certain times to trigger more events of new dialogue. If something says "WIP" you can still do i, you just wont trigger a new scene or dialogue. I hope that's what you meant.

Yo so I am stuck on this layla thing it tells me to visit her to checkout her invention but I don't know when or how there doesn't seem to be a hint at all

You have to go visit her during Sunset and either chat with her or train. 

(1 edit)

What is the save location in windows? Couldn't find it in appdata
Nevermind, found it. FYI Its at appdata>roaming>renpy>lucky project.

Cuando vendra la nueva actualización?

Septiembre, si todo va bien


This is one of the best games ive ever played, your whole work is spectacular and i need this to be a full game, please never abandon this game til it's complete. And... I know is a lot to ask but, in a future version or the complete game can you put a female protagonist version of the story and Lucky? We the lesbi girls don't have games like this and this game is perfect. Keep the hard work, you're doing great 💞


Thank you so much for your words <3

For what you're saying, I think a spin-off version would be better :)

when will it be fully released?

Deleted 27 days ago

He is the main composer of the game:

Que bueno que conoceremos a la hermana de fresita XD una pregunta en cierta parte de la historia maxy y charlotte hablan de hacer un trio pero charlotte no quiere esa ecena existe a un no? 

Aun no

How to Enter antons Room? i finished It all the last Things Is entering the room

Next version c:

Oh ok, But i actualy enter the room But i did not saved It, the nxt time i Play my last load I cant Enter, The last part is About Anton Sacrificing Hes life For the MC and then The Game Quit it Self.

That's the end of the current content c:

hi Stawer gg for the nice game u create...only a little at day 100 i finish all quest mary and maxy tell me she will come back in a few days but they never come can i visit her home if never compare in the maps??i need to finish 2 special hit with maxy and i die if i cant finish it.....really thanks for all and keep the great work up....

You still have that problem? :o

(1 edit)

ok now its working and i finish all...really a nice and good job....thanks for all and keep up the great work...

thanksfully xD

Question stawer were is sasha location to train charisma and lie skill and time cuz i wasn't listening XD

Your room at about noon time if I'm not mistaken.

I'm only on day 34 or something and I must say, Super Super game so far!

Thank you <3

When I download the game it says forbidden content in Android. Please help

It may be a security error and you must give permission to the app

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